Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Chuck e. cheese and Forever 21

So as promised I took the boys to Chuckie's. We spent two LONG hours there. They could have stayed another two hours there if I'd let them, but uh, two hours is enough for one day.

After we left that place we went across the street to Forever 21. I know, Again!?!
I was looking for something in particular, but like always the staff was not helpful, so I had to hunt on my own. I never found the item. I did end up getting a couple skirts, a couple bracelets, a necklace, a dress and a sweater. Again I was sucked in by all the cute things. I also found a few more dresses that I really liked, but I have to try to say no every once in a while. Right?

I got dragged into Anchor Blue (Anyone still remember Miller's Outpost??) and Kid 1 went home with a new belt and a few t-shirts and kid 2 scored a new belt as well.

After all that excitement we went back home and now the boys are trying to convince me to take them out to dinner instead of eating in. Geesh these kids are spoiled.

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