Sunday, August 2, 2009


I am so sick of the word FISHING. That is all and kid 2 talk about when they are together. They are going sea-fishing on wed and they are getting prepared. They had to go get the sea fishing endorsement for He asked me if I wanted to go too. Uh, No thanks. I think it's better for them to go alone as I would be bored out of my mind and I usually just find a spot to sit down at and watch them go goo goo over lures, crank bait, panther martins blah blah blah. This way they can enjoy themselves without me asking them are they ready to leave yet. I don't torture to go with me when I go shopping so he shouldn't do that to me. I do know that on Tuesday we are going to rancho to that pro bass shop but that is okay because I get to go to Victoria gardens and do some shopping. It's a win win there. Plus I have to get my final fitting for the brides maid dress I am being forced to buy. How I wish I had said no. Sister or no sister I hate this whole wedding circus. I would have rather been watching it from the outside than be part of it. I have become quite a complainer lately haven't I?

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